Updating multi-dimensional tuples using python list comprehension

  • Two-dimensional tuple

    Below sample has a tuple that contains multiple book details. Each of these is stored as a tuple with book id, book name and the price. We will try adding a new field tax to each item and calculate it as 5% of price. Also add this amount to the existing price column.

    from datetime import datetime
    books = (
        (1, 'Book 1', 100.50),
        (2, 'Book 2', 80.75),
        (3, 'Book 3', 50.00)
    #Find new price after adding tax
    newPrice = ( ( b[0], b[1], round(float(b[2] / 10),2), round(b[2] + float(b[2] / 20),2) )  for b in books)
    	(1, 'Book 1', 10.05, 105.53),
    	(2, 'Book 2', 8.07, 84.79),
    	(3, 'Book 3', 5.0, 52.5)
  • Three-dimensional tuple

    This sample has an additional level, with average prices across locations.
    See below how we can update a tuple with three levels.

    from datetime import datetime
    books = (
        (1, 'Book 1', 
            (100, 90, 80)),
        (2, 'Book 2', 
            (75, 70, 80)),
        (3, 'Book 3', 
            (50, 55, 55)),
    #Find average price
    newPrice = ( ( b[0], b[1], round((b[2][0] + b[2][1] + b[2][2])/3) )  for b in books)
    #Find average price and also keep third level
    newPrice = ( ( b[0], b[1], round((b[2][0] + b[2][1] + b[2][2])/3), b[2] )  for b in books)
    	(1, 'Book 1', 90),
    	(2, 'Book 2', 75),
    	(3, 'Book 3', 53)
    	(1, 'Book 1', 90, (100, 90, 80)),
    	(2, 'Book 2', 75, (75, 70, 80)),
    	(3, 'Book 3', 53, (50, 55, 55))
Absolute Code Works - Python Topics