Tkinter Tutorial

  1. Tkinter Installation

    Download and install the latest version of python from Python Website if not already done.

    Set up virtual environment.

    If not already available, install TKinter using command pip install tk. If you get an error 'No module named pip', refer virtual environment setup section.

  2. To check if Tkinter installed successfully

    In command prompt type:

        pip freeze

    If installed successfully, latest version is listed as below:

  3. Basic Tkinter Application

    Code provided in the below sample is the bare minimum for creating a Tkinter application.

    First 2 lines import Tkinter module.

    An object variable has to be declared of the class Tk as: varName = tk.Tk().
    Place the last line varName.mainloop()(). This code will create an empty GUI window. We can place all our code between these 2 lines.

    from tkinter import *
    import tkinter as tk
    root = tk.Tk()
    #All code should go here

    To run the code, copy this to a .py file and type py or python in command prompt.

  4. Tkinter window and its properties

    All Tkinter programs should have a root level window, where we place all our widgets. We can easily change the window properties. Some samples below:

    Window title
    root.title("First Tkinter App")
    Window size
    Background color
    root.configure(bg='black') or root ['bg'] = 'purple'
    Min and max size
    Event binding on window close
    root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", callback)
    root.attributes("-alpha", 0.5)
    Set window to full screen
    root.attributes("-fullscreen", 1)
    Stop window from resizing
  5. Configure

    Configure method can be used to assign values to different properties of widgets and window. In below example, background color of window is changed and background and foreground color of label is changed.

    from tkinter import *
    import tkinter as tk
    root = tk.Tk()
    root.title("First Tkinter App")
    lbl = Label(text="This is a new label")
    lbl.configure(fg='white', bg='red')
    Tkinter configure method
  6. Pack Method

    Pack method is required to place a widget into window. It is required to pack all of our widgets. Other wise it will not be displayed. Options are there to align to top, bottom, left or right or to a particular row/column if frames are used.
    See example below.

    from tkinter import *
    import tkinter as tk
    root = tk.Tk()
    root.title("First Tkinter App")
    lbl1 = Label(text="Top label")
    lbl2 = Label(text="Right label")
    lbl3 = Label(text="Left label")
    lbl4 = Label(text="Bottom label")
    Tkinter pack method
  7. Binding Events

    Bind method is used to bind a function to an event.
    Syntax is: widget.bind(event, function, +)

    Third parameter is optional. If multiple functions are bind to same event, use +.
    We will go through different types of bindings to understand better.
    Below code has a button, label and textbox. We can try different bind options with this example.

    from tkinter import *
    import tkinter as tk
    root = tk.Tk()
    root.title("First Tkinter App")
    def func(fstPrm):  
        print("Event triggered" + str(fstPrm))
    lbl = Label(text="This is a new label")
    txt = Entry(text="Sample Text")
    btn = tk.Button(text ="Click Me")
    btn.pack(side = BOTTOM)
    #Try any of the below samples to check
    #root.bind('<Return>', func)
    #txt.bind('<Return>', func)
    #btn.bind('<Return>', func)
    #lbl.bind('<Return>', func)
    #btn.bind('<KeyPress>', func)
    #btn.bind('<Alt-KeyPress>', func)
    #btn.bind('<Button>', func)
    #btn.bind('<ButtonRelease>', func)
    #btn.bind('<Enter>', func)
    #btn.bind('<Leave>', func)
    #btn.bind('<FocusIn>', func)
    #btn.bind('<FocusOut>', func)
    #btn.bind('<Motion>', func)
    Bind Action Triggered when
    root.bind( '<Return>', func) Enter key pressed with focus anywhere in window.
    txt.bind( '<Return>', func) Enter pressed with focus on Entry (textbox).
    btn.bind( '<Return>', func) Enter key pressed with focus on button
    lbl.bind( '<Return>', func) This will not be triggered as we cannot place focus on label.
    btn.bind( '<KeyPress>', func) Same as Return. But triggered on pressing any key.
    btn.bind( '<Alt-KeyPress>', func) Any key pressed together with alt key (We can do the same for Ctrl, Shift).
    btn.bind( '<Button>', func) Mouse clicked on button.
    btn.bind( '<ButtonRelease >', func) Mouse click released from button.
    btn.bind( '<Enter>', func) Mouse pointer moved to widget. Such events works on label also (Widgets that cannot be focused).
    btn.bind( '<Leave>', func) Mouse pointer moved out of widget.
    btn.bind( '<FocusIn>', func) Focus placed on widget.
    btn.bind( '<FocusOut>', func) Focus moves away from widget.
    btn.bind( '<Motion>', func) Mouse pointer moves above control. Triggered continuously as mouse moves.
  8. Command Callbacks

    Another way to bind event to a widget is using command callbacks. Callback function is directly placed at the time of creating using command keyword. This method is not that flexible and not all events can be bind using this technique.
    See example below.

    from tkinter import *
    import tkinter as tk
    root = tk.Tk()
    def eventTriggerFunc(*args):  
        print("Event triggered")
    btn = tk.Button(text ="Click Me", command=eventTriggerFunc)
  9. Widgets

    Widgets are the components that we see inside our main window., Button, entry(textbox), label, frame, scrollbar, etc are some of the widgets provided by Tkinter. Widgets can be placed within a window, or we can create a frame widget and add other widgets into this.
    Widget objects maintain a hierarchical order. Eg: Root – Frame – (Label, Button, etc).
    We will go through some of the most important widgets below.

  10. Frames

    Frames can be used to arrange other widgets within the window. A frame can contain another frame also. Example below creates a frame, sets size, borders, padding and adds 2 widgets inside.

    from tkinter import *
    import tkinter as tk
    root = tk.Tk()
    root.title("First Tkinter App")
    fr = tk.Frame(root, width=200, height=200)
    fr['borderwidth'] = 2
    fr['background'] = 'red'
    fr['relief'] = 'sunken'
    btn = tk.Button(fr, text ="Click Me", width=100, height=5)
    lbl = tk.Label(fr, text ="New Label", width=100, height=15, bg='green')
    Tkinter frame widget
  11. Label

    Label can display text or image. Created as below.

        lbl = tk.Label(fr, text ="New Label", width=100, height=15, bg='green')

    To add image to a label, use below code.

        lbl = tk.Label(fr)
        img = PhotoImage(file='imgname.png')
        lbl['image'] = img
  12. Button

    Below is a button sample. Events can be bind using event callback or event bindings explained above. Button can also hold an image, same like label.

    from tkinter import *
    import tkinter as tk
    root = tk.Tk()
    root.title("First Tkinter App")
    def func1():  
        print('Button 1 clicked')
    def func2(event):  
        print('Button 2 clicked')
    btn1 = Button(text='Button 1', command=func1)
    btn2 = Button(text='Button 2')
    btn2.bind('<Butto>', func2)
  13. Entry

    Entry is a text box field where users can input values. Events like KeyPress can be bind.

        def func2(event):  
            print('Text changed')
        txtVar = StringVar()
        txt = Entry(textvariable=txtVar)
        txt.bind('<KeyPress>', func2)

    To dynamically insert a text we have to first clear it using delete and then insert as below.

        txt.delete(0, END)
        txt.insert(0, "New Text")
  14. CheckButton

    To get the checkbutton value, we need to use a variable. Sample provided below:

        def func1():  
            print('Check changed', chkVar.get())
        chkVar = StringVar()
        chk = Checkbutton(text='Check 1', command=func1, variable=chkVar)
  15. RadioButton

    Same variable to be used for a radio button group.

        def func1():  
            print('Check changed', rdVar.get())
        rdVar = StringVar()
        rdVar.set('2')#Selects send radio by default
        rd1 = tk.Radiobutton(text='Radio 1', variable=rdVar, value='1', command=func1)
        rd2 = tk.Radiobutton(text='Radio 2', variable=rdVar, value='2', command=func1)
  16. ComboBox

    To display a list of items. Can select, add, remove items. To bind listbox selection event, we have to use <<ListboxSelect>> as in example below:

    from tkinter import *
    import tkinter as tk
    root = tk.Tk()
    root.title("First Tkinter App")
    def func1(csel):  
        print('Selected item is', csel)
    options = ["Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3"]
    lvar = StringVar(value=options)
    l = Listbox(height=10, listvariable=lvar)
    options.append("Item 4")
    l.bind("<<ListboxSelect>>", lambda e: func1(l.curselection()))
    Tkinter listbox widget
  17. Grid Geometry Manager

    Learning how to align widgets within a window is important. In Tkinter we have an option named grid() to align controls as rows and columns. We can create grid for a window or frame. We can create controls that can span multiple rows or columns also. In Tkinter grid we are not initially specifying how many columns or rows are there.
    We will try to understand the concept with the below example.
    Here we have created a root window and added a frame f as the first cell of the window using below code.

        f.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=(N, S, E, W))

    We are going to add all our controls to this frame.In first row of the grid, we added a label and text box. Second row has a label that spans 3 columns. Then we have placed a button at the 4th column that spans 3 rows.


    When a widget is placed within a cell of a grid and if the size of the widget is less than the size of the cell, widget will get placed at the center of the cell. If we want to stretch the widgets to fit the cell, we can use sticky attribute. N, S, E, W are directions. We can also use values like SE (Bottom Right) to place it in corners.

    Resizing Tkinter Window

    When we resize a window, the widgets which are placed within will not stretch. If we want to stretch the rows and columns in a grid, we have to apply weight property to each row and column using rowconfigure and columnconfigure. Weight values can be used to determine how much percentage of stretch is needed on resizing window.

    We have to use, weight property along with sticky property to make sure that cells as well as widgets are realigned upon resize. If sticky is not used, size of widgets will not change when we resize.

    from tkinter import *
    import tkinter as tk
    root = Tk()
    f = tk.Frame(root)
    f['background'] = 'red'
    lbl1 = tk.Label(f, text="Label without span")
    txt1 = tk.Entry(f)
    lbl2 = tk.Label(f, text="Label spanning 3 columns", width=80)
    btn = tk.Button(f, text="Button\nspanning\n3 rows", height=10)
    f.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=(N, S, E, W))
    lbl1.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=(N, S, E, W))
    lbl1['background'] = 'green'
    txt1.grid(column=1, row=1, sticky=(N, S, E, W))
    txt1['background'] = 'grey'
    txt1.insert(0, "Entry without span")
    lbl2.grid(column=0, row=2, columnspan=3, sticky=(N, S, E, W))
    lbl2['background'] = 'blue'
    btn.grid(column=3, row=1, rowspan=3, sticky=(N, S, E, W))
    btn['background'] = 'yellow'
    lbl1.config(font=("Times", 20))
    txt1.config(font=("Times", 20))
    lbl2.config(font=("Times", 20))
    btn.config(font=("Times", 15))
    root.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
    root.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
    f.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
    f.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
    f.columnconfigure(2, weight=1)
    f.columnconfigure(3, weight=1)
    f.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
    f.rowconfigure(1, weight=1)
    f.rowconfigure(2, weight=1)
    f.rowconfigure(3, weight=1)
    Tkinter grid geometry manager
  18. Canvas

    Canvas is a frame where we can draw different shapes and animations. Below example creates a canvas window of size 400*500 and draws a line, rectangle, oval and polygon. Below example creates a canvas window of size 400*500 and draws a line, rectangle, oval and polygon. Also shows how to write a text and place an image within canvas.
    We can also place widgets within canvas. Here we have placed a button widget.
    We also have the option to bind events to the shapes that we have created. In the below example, a rectangle is created and bind an event using tag_bind method. On clicking the rectangle, its color changes from black to blue. Similarly we can do any type of animations that we want using event binding.

    from tkinter import *
    import tkinter as tk
    root = Tk()
    def changeColor(event):
        print ("clicked at", event)    
        c.itemconfigure(rect, fill="blue")
    c = Canvas(width=400, height=500, background='#a0aa00')
    c.create_line(25, 30, 250, 30, fill='blue', width=2)
    c.create_rectangle(25, 50, 250, 100, fill='blue', width=5)
    c.create_oval(25, 125, 250, 150, fill='blue', outline='red')
    c.create_polygon(25, 175, 200, 250, 125, 300, fill='blue')
    c.create_text(25, 300, text='New Text', anchor='nw', font='TkMenuFont', fill='blue')
    b = tk.Button(c, text='New Button')
    c.create_window(25, 350, anchor='nw', window=b)
    rect = c.create_rectangle(25, 400, 250, 450, fill='black', width=5)
    c.tag_bind(rect, "<Button-1>", changeColor)
    #img = PhotoImage(file='imgname.png')
    #c.create_image(10, 10, image=mimgyimg, anchor='nw')
    Tkinter canvas
Absolute Code Works - Python Topics