Updating dictionary items using python list comprehension
Dictionaries are items grouped as key-value pairs enclosed within {}. It is possible to update keys or values of a dictionary using List comprehension.
This is particularly useful, if we need to make any common changes across all values or keys within the dictionary. Or, if we have to edit a set of values matching a particular condition.
Refer sample below, which has dictionaries of numbers, dates and strings.Copiedimport datetime numdict = { 1:5, 2:10, 3:20, 4:30, 5:40 } updateddict = { key+2:val+10 for key, val in numdict.items() if key > 3 } print(updateddict) strdict = { 'n1':'James', 'n2':'Rory', 'n3':'Kevin'} updateddict = { key:val + ' SS' for key, val in strdict.items() if (val == 'Rory' or val == 'Kevin')} print(updateddict) datedict = { 1:'2021/1/2', 2:'2021/1/15', 3:'2022/4/1', 4:'2022/5/2'} #Convert string dates to datetime object dtitems = { key:datetime.datetime.strptime(val, '%Y/%m/%d') for key, val in datedict.items()} #Add 1 year to each date filtereddates = { key:val+datetime.timedelta(days=365) for key, val in dtitems.items()} #Convert datetime to str dates, if needed dates2str = { key:datetime.datetime.strftime(val, '%Y/%m/%d') for key, val in filtereddates.items()} print(dates2str)
{ 6: 40, 7: 50 } { 'n2': 'Rory SS', 'n3': 'Kevin SS' } { 1: '2022/01/02', 2: '2022/01/15', 3: '2023/04/01', 4: '2023/05/02' }
Updating lists within a dictionary
Below sample contains a list as the value for each dictionary item.
Check how to update the lists within a dictionary.Copiedstrdict = { 'n1': [10, 20, 30], 'n2': [40, 50, 60], 'n3': [70, 80, 90]} updateddict = { key:[val[0] + 100, val[1], val[2]] for key, val in strdict.items() } print(updateddict)
{ 'n1': [110, 20, 30], 'n2': [140, 50, 60], 'n3': [170, 80, 90] }
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