Filter a set using python list comprehension
Python Sets are a group of items provided within {}. Below sample shows how to use list comprehension to filter from a python set. Here we have implemented filter of a set of numbers, dates and strings.
Copiedfrom datetime import datetime numset = {5, 10, 20, 30, 40} #Filter numbers from set filterednumset = {num for num in numset if num > 15} print("Filtered set of numbers: " + str(filterednumset)) strset = {'James', 'Rory', 'Kevin'} #Filter name Rory and Kevin filteredstrset = {st for st in strset if (st == 'Rory' or st == 'Kevin')} print("Filtered set of names: " + str(filteredstrset)) dateset = {'2021/1/2', '2021/1/15', '2022/4/1', '2022/5/2'} #Convert string dates to datetime objects dtset = {datetime.strptime(dt, '%Y/%m/%d') for dt in dateset} #Apply filter by month filtereddateset = {dt for dt in dtset if dt.month == 1} #Convert datetime to str dates, if needed dateslist2str = {datetime.strftime(dt1, '%Y/%m/%d') for dt1 in filtereddateset} print("Filtered dates set: " + str(dateslist2str))
Filtered set of numbers: {40, 20, 30}
Names Filtered set of names: {'Kevin', 'Rory'}
Filtered dates set: {'2021/01/02', '2021/01/15'}If you have dates in different string formats, refer below link to know how to convert.
Filter a list of string dates in different formats -
Multi-dimensional sets
A Python Set is an unhashable object.
Sets are not allowed an unhashable object within it.
So a set within a set is not a possibility.
We can have sets within a list, but it is not possible to apply list comprehension on those.
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