Python Flask Tutorial

  1. Flask Installation

    Download and install the latest version of python from Python Website if not already done.

    Setting up virtual environment is not a must. But this is a best practice when working on python projects. Click virtual environment for more details.

    Install Flask using command pip install flask

    Run pip freeze to check if flask installed successfully. Should give an output like this.

  2. Minimal Flask Application

    For the bare minimum, a Flask application should have the below content.

    from flask import Flask
    myfirstapp = Flask(__name__)
    if(__name__ == "__main__"):

    This code imports FlaskFlask module and creates an object myfirstapp of Flask class. Last 2 lines serves as the entry point of the app and starts the server.

    You can save the the above content to a file and run it using command python We will get the below message if no error is there.

        * Serving Flask app 'carsales' (lazy loading)
        * Environment: production
        WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
        Use a production WSGI server instead.
        * Debug mode: off
        * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

    Copy the URL to your browser and run. We will get the Not Found message as below.

    Flask not found page

    This means that the Flask has handled the server set up and our application is ready. We will now have to set up our html pages and routing to handle page navigations.

  3. Setting up first web page

    In Flask, all our HTML should be placed inside a folder named templates. Create this folder and add html file firstpage.html inside templates.

    Add below code to firstpage.html. We also need a python file to handle the Flask code. Create a file named and add below code.

    In command prompt. click Ctrl + C to stop the application and run command python This process is to be done each time we make any changes and want to reload the page. Some times, after stopping flask web from command prompt, just reloading the html will not give you the desired output. If any such issues are faced, close the web page and reopen.

    On browsing the URL, we will get below output window.

    Flask web application first page
  4. Rendering HTML content

    We can directly return the html content from python code as below.

    def main():
        return "<html><body><p>This is without an html page</html></body></html>"

    Or we can use the render_template function to return an html page available in the template folder. We have to import it before using.

    from flask import Flask, render_template
    myfirstapp = Flask(__name__)
    def main():
        return render_template("firstpage.html")    
  5. Send data from python code to HTML pages

    We can pass data from python to html as a parameter of render_template function. Code sample below.

    def main():
        testData = 'This is test data from python to html'
        return render_template("firstpage.html", td = testData)

    Place content inside double curly braces to display data as below.


    If multiple items are there we can keep it as a model an pass it.

  6. Add python code in HTML pages

    We can add python code directly in our html pages using {% #code here %}. See below sample that has a for loop to list some data.

    def main():
        planets = ['Mercury', 'Venus', 'Earth', 'Mars']
        return render_template("firstpage.html", planets = planets)
    <table class="table">
    <thead><tr><th scope="col">Planets</th></tr></thead>
        {% for planet in planets %}
            <tr><td>{{ planet }}</td></tr>
        {% endfor %}
  7. Routing in Python Flask

    We can define routes in the python file as below. Add the route name and a function just below it to handle the code associated. route("/") is the default one, if no path is mentioned. We an add optional parameters to routes by placing those inside < >>. Route secondpage includes an optional parameter id in below sample.

    def main():
        planets = ['Mercury', 'Venus', 'Earth', 'Mars']
        return render_template("firstpage.html", planets = planets)
    def addcar():
        return render_template("secondpage.html")
  8. Redirect to another page

    In some scenarios, it may be required to redirect to another page after some task. Achieve this using the redirect function. This has to be imported as well.

    from flask import Flask, render_template, redirect
    #Some other code
    def main():
        planets = ['Mercury', 'Venus', 'Earth', 'Mars']
        return render_template("firstpage.html", planets = planets)
        return redirect('/secondpage')
  9. Using Static Files

    To use static files such as css and javascript we have to place those in a folder named static. Create it and add the static files here.

  10. HTTP Methods

    Different HTTP protocols are supported by Flask.

    GETGet data from server
    POSTPost form data to server
    PUTMainly used to update data
    DELETEUsed to delete some data

    We can define methods to handle various protocols using methods parameter when we name the route. Using request.method, we can itentify protocol. Use request.form["tstValue"] to read data from controls. Sample below:

    In command prompt we should be able to see the below results when page loads or data submitted.

    First page loaded - - [06/Dec/2021 15:48:02] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
    Value entered in textbox is 'This is test' - - [06/Dec/2021 15:48:08] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 302 -
  11. Request Object

    As seen the above section request object can be used to identify the HTTP protocol, read submitted form value, etc.

  12. Use JSON Data in Flask Web App

    We can connect to JSON data from our Flask web application and read and write data. Refer to this sample on how to handle JSON operations.

  13. Flask Web App with different databases

    Below are CRUD samples of Flask with different databases.

Absolute Code Works - Python Topics